M7 IA1 Task1 Exercise3 Irene Arroyo

In this exercise we have to create a game called ‘ Heads or Tails ‘, which implies a coin flipped 3 times and 2 players, one is heads and the other one is tails. Wins the player who have more times ‘heads’ or ‘tails’ on the 3 flip round.

This program requires a control flow, 2 prompts that ask the names of the two players, a loop, I decided to do it with the for loop for the coin flips, and an if else statement to define who won, based on how many times heads have appeared.


let nameHead = prompt (‘What is the name of the heads player?’)
let nameTail = prompt (‘What is the name of the tails player?’)

let headThrows = 0;
let tailThrows = 0; ;

for ( let i = 0; i<3; i++)

{ let coin = (Math.floor(Math.random() * 2));

if ( coin === 1) { headThrows++;
alert ( ‘Player ‘ + nameHead + ‘ has won ‘ + headThrows);}

else { tailThrows++;
alert (‘Player ‘ + nameTail + ‘ has won ‘ + tailThrows); }

if (headThrows< 2) { alert (‘Congratulations ‘ + nameTail + ‘! Tails win!’) }
else {alert ( ‘Congratulations ‘ + nameHead + ‘! Heads win!’); }


Exercise 3 | Heads or Tails