M7 IA1 Task1 Exercise4 Irene Arroyo

The exercise 4 is about a game  with a deck of cards, the program will check if we get a Ace of Hearts  playing cards. If the user get the Ace of hearts with 30 cards he wins.

The program must have a control flow and use arrays.



for(i = 1; i; i++){

let Suit = [‘Hearts’,’Diamonds’,’Clubs’,’Spades’];
let Rank = [‘Ace’,’2′,’3′,’4′,’5′,’6′,’7′,’8′,’9′,’10’,’Jack’,’Queen’,’King’];

let aSuit = Math.floor(Math.random()*4);
let aRank = Math.floor(Math.random()*13);

if ( i <= 30 && Suit[aSuit] === ‘Hearts’ && Rank[aRank] === ‘Ace’) {alert (‘You won! You found the Ace Of Hearts : ‘ + i + ‘/30’);

else if (i >= 31 && Suit[aSuit] === ‘Hearts’ && Rank[aRank] === ‘Ace’){ alert(‘You lost. Keep trying and find the Ace Of Hearts! : ‘ + i + ‘/30’);

Exercise 4 | Ace Of Hearts